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Shrimp x Tech: Making Shrimp Supply Predictable

A bunch of whiteleg shrimp
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During this session, we will feature the CEOs of three companies that, at entirely different levels of abstraction, aim to make shrimp supply more predictable. After attending this session, you will be informed and inspired by the options these companies offer to help you better understand future shrimp supply. The first company to present is Minnowtech. Minnowtech is a US-based aquaculture technology company that enables shrimp farmers to measure shrimp biomass precisely. Using Minnowtech’s sonar-based system, shrimp farmers can optimize the health and growth of their animals, enhancing the harvest of market-size shrimp while minimizing risks to juvenile shrimp. Imagine what the company can achieve once it has more devices in the water, allowing it to calculate the amount of biomass in the water at any moment and predict future supply. The second company to present is GalaxEye. GalaxEye is an Indian space-tech startup that will soon send its own and the world's first multi-sensor imaging satellite into orbit. GalaxEye's Drishti mission features a unique multi-sensor capability that provides intuitive all-time, all-weather imagery from space, even during nighttime and cloud cover. For the aquaculture industry, GalaxEye Blue offers feed companies, processors, and others a range of products related to water quality monitoring, production monitoring, and supply forecasting. Today, the company has a comprehensive overview of the number of ponds stocked and the estimated sizes of every shrimp pond in Andhra Pradesh. The last company to present is Kontali. Kontali is a well-known market intelligence company from Norway that can already predict supply for the salmon industry. The company is now building the data models and infrastructure to do the same for shrimp. Kontali aims to forecast supply at the country, regional, and global levels by organizing, aggregating, and modeling data from worldwide shrimp farming regions. After pitching their products, the three CEOs will be joined by industry representatives for a deeper conversation about the use cases of these products for their businesses. There will also be time for questions from the audience! (Photo courtesy of Aquaconnect.)

Chairpersons /
Esther Luiten
GSF 2024 logo
Chairperson / Esther Luiten
Board Member
Esther Luiten is Programme Development Director at the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) and has over 15 years of experience in the global seafood sector. Focus of her team at ASC is on engaging retailers and seafood brands into ASC programme. The Market Development Team is also strengthening...
Anton Immink
Think Aqua
Co-Chair / Anton Immink
Anton Immink has more than 25 years’ experience of aquaculture sector development across Asia, Africa and Europe. He has worked with international organisations, governments, major seafood buyers and supply chain companies, but Anton is most passionate about the long-term involvement of smallholder...
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Shrimp x Tech


Suzan Shahrestani (PhD), CSO, Minnowtech

Suyash Singh, CEO, GalaxEye Space

Kjetil Angell Kjerstad, CEO, Kontali


Sarabpreet Singh Matta, General Manager, Devi Sea Foods Limited

Leiner Lache, Innovation Director for Shrimp, Skretting

Jessica Rivera, Sales Director, MER Seafood

Jay Muthushankar, Global Director of Procurement, The Fishin' Company

Moderated by Anton Immink, CEO, ThinkAqua

Closing Remarks
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