Ignacio (Nacho) González Hernández took the reins of Nueva Pescanova in February 2016. His major assignment, as CEO, was to plan the strategy for Pescanova, prepare a new business plan, and bring together an executive team to help him with its implementation to attain the targeted profitability and sustainable growth.
Pescanova is a leader in fisheries, aquaculture, processing, distribution and marketing of seafood. It is one of top players in the seafood sector. Vertically integrated, with operations all around the world, Pescanova can provide fully traceable, high quality, nutritious and healthy seafood products to the world markets.
Nacho holds a Degree in Economics from ICADE (E-2). He is a professional who combines a series of features specially required for leadership in large organizations. He not only has a deep knowledge of the FMCG market, but he has also spent his career in positions of responsibility in two large top-level groups of this sector.
He began his career at the retailer Continente, since then, and for 19 years, he worked for the Carrefour Group. In almost two decades of dedication to the French multinational and after occupying various positions in the fields of marketing, purchases and trade, he topped his stay in this company by becoming a member of its Executive Committee at world level, assuming the Purchases Division of the Group and the Commercial Division in France.
He left Carrefour to join the Campofrío Group, where he held two high responsibility positions: CEO of Campofrío España. He became top executive of the company in Spain as well as General Manager for Southern Europe (Spain, Italy and Portugal); USA of Campofrío Food Group (from April 2013 to January 2016). The Southern Europe and USA cluster is the source for more than half of the turnover and profit
of the Group.
Nacho González was chairman of ECOEMBES, a non-profit organization engaged in recycling packaging material, from December 2012 to June 2020. He also holds representation positions in several of the most important fora in the FMCG industry in Spain:
In AECOC, one of the largest business associations in the country and the only one in which manufacturers, distribution and intermediate operators work closely together to bring greater value to the consumer, he started as a member of the Board of Directors and was appointed chairman in June 2021.
He is also a member of the Advisory Council of the Food Department of the Instituto San Telmo, and the Food and Drinks Advisory Council of IESE.
Married and father of five, he enjoys travelling. He is a football fan and devotes his leisure time to family and friends.