Feed Responsibly: ASC Feed Certification

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ASC Feed Certification is redefining responsible feed and driving a holistic approach to feed ingredients' environmental and social risk assessment. After launching in 2023, we are seeing momentum in the uptake of the standard, with a pioneer group of feed companies certified and a number of others in assessment. By October 2025, all ASC-certified farms will need to source feed from ASC-certified feed mills. Join us for this ASC lunch event to learn more about the standard, be informed and inspired by industry leaders, and explore how you can get involved in the journey towards responsible feed.

Aisla Jones
Market Development Manager, UK
Aisla Jones is part of the Market Development team at the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC). Her focus is on engagement with feed stakeholders to support uptake of the ASC Feed standard as well as market development in the UK, largely working with retailers and brands to support uptake of ASC...
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