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Global Shrimp Council Members Meeting

Happy Shrimp Hopscotch
Scope /

The Global Shrimp Council is making significant strides. The organization now boasts over 40 members, including many of the world's largest producers and numerous US importers. The board is currently deciding on the GSC's funding mechanism. Meanwhile, Miguel Barcenas is leading the selection process for the marketing agency that will build and execute the first marketing campaign in the US. Exciting, right? This meeting is for Global Shrimp Council members and companies interested in joining the organization as members or sponsors. You will receive updates on the latest developments and be encouraged to join the organization. There will be ample opportunities for Q&A. The entire Global Shrimp Council board will attend, providing a chance to speak with board members, share your ideas, and learn from their experience. This meeting is by invitation only. If you are interested in joining, please email to register. The meeting starts with lunch before we dive into the update. It will conclude well before the plenary opening session of this year's Global Shrimp Forum.

Chairpersons /
David Castro
Manta Bay
David Castro
Director General
David is the Director General of Mexican seafood supplier Manta Bay. He is also co-founder and co-chair of the Global Shrimp Council. Driven by the magnetism of the sea, Jose David Castro has stablished his life as business and family man along the Sea of Cortez in Mexico. As owner of four companies...
Gabriel Luna
GLUNA Shrimp
Gabriel Luna
Gabriel Luna is the owner of Gluna Shrimp. He is also the co-founder and co-chair of the Global Shrimp Council Gabriel Luna works as an international purchase advi sor for several companies who source Ecuadorian and Mexican shrimp. He was a sales manager for a major shrimp plant and exporter in...
Program /

We will start by having a standing working lunch with the GSC team, including the board, its members, and its executive team. 


David Castro, Co-Chair of the Board, Global Shrimp Council

Gabriel Luna, Co-Chair of the Board, Global Shrimp Council

Welcome Word by Global Shrimp Forum

Chris Ninnes, Chair of the Board, Global Shrimp Forum Foundation

A US Market Update

Angel Rubio, Lead Forecast Analyst, Expana by Urner Barry

An Update of Organizational Activities

David Castro, Co-Chair of the Board, Global Shrimp Council

Gabriel Luna, Co-Chair of the Board, Global Shrimp Council

A Sneak Peak into GSC Marketing Strategy

Miguel Barcenas, Strategy and Marketing Consultant, APV Another Point of View LLC 

Membership Proposition and Expansion Strategy

David Castro, Co-Chair of the Board, Global Shrimp Council

Gabriel Luna, Co-Chair of the Board, Global Shrimp Council

Willem van der Pijl, Strategic Advisor, Global Shrimp Council

Closing Remarks