Jitske Kramer is a corporate anthropologist who travels worldwide to learn from traditional healers, leaders, surprising innovators, and random passers-by. She is known for being the bestselling author of Tricky Times, Deep Democracy, Jam Cultures, Work has left the Building and The Corporate Tribe. She brings worldly knowledge and experiences back to the world of organizing, cooperation, and leadership through challenging keynotes and masterclasses. To improve the strength and results of individuals and groups (and to make the world a more beautiful place). She has the ambition to activate organizations to be wildly attractive to everyone and everything, preferably in a pleasantly simple way. In her stories, what is familiar gradually becomes strange. And what is strange becomes familiar. What others say about Jitske: “Jitske Kramer is one of the most inspiring speakers in the Netherlands. She provokes you into thinking deeply and speaking out. She gazes into the depths with flair and courage. Looking for surprising new insights and their practical applicability. Unifying and forceful.”