Dr Sylvie Coulon is a veterinary doctor who works at the European Commission in the Directorate General for Health since 2002. She started her career as a rural veterinary practitioner in the countryside; and, after several years, she became a civil servant and worked for 10 years at the French Ministry of Agriculture at local and central level in Paris where she was responsible for Veterinary services and food safety issues, crisis management matters. Subsequently, she worked for 2 years at the French Embassy in London as veterinary attaché and deputy agricultural counsellor and then moved to the European Commission. She has worked on different issues (feed additives/RASFF/Monitoring of the residue plans/ monitoring of the food safety crises occurring in the MS). During 6 years, she was responsible for the preparation of the European union positions to the SPS meetings in Geneva within the WTO (with special responsibility for questions concerning feed, food, veterinary and SPS issues) and she was also involved in providing SPS related technical assistance and capacity building. Then she was working during 5 years on general food hygiene files namely chemical and physical decontamination; hygiene in the feed plants, hygiene of preparation of the non-animal food products…) and on SPS related technical assistance and capacity building trainings mainly for third countries. Now she is working as International bilateral relations Policy Officer in the Unit D3 as responsible for all the SPS offensive issues that all Asian countries faced except China and Japan. In addition she is responsible for horizontal issues, namely residue Decision 2011/163/EU, regulation 2021/405; regulation 1793/2019 and regulation on Veterinary medicines.