Deep Dive into China's Shrimp Production and Global Farming Perspectives

Based on the feedback we received from last year's forum, we have decided to dive deeper into China's shrimp industry. We have invited Luca Micciche of Verdesian Life Sciences, who works with thousands of Chinese shrimp farmers, including those who farm in small greenhouses, to share a deeper perspective on developing these farming systems and how they relate to the market. Then, Robins McIntosh of CP Foods will join us virtually to share CP's business in China and his perspective on trends in the Chinese shrimp industry. After the two presentations, we will have a fireside chat with the two presenters and Dr. Guo Fuci, who presented on China last year. Dr. Fuci has just visited China's Shrimp Summit and will share the new insights he gained. To close the session, we will have a fireside chat with farmer representatives from India's Shrimp Farmers Federation and Indonesia's Young Farmers Association. Topics of discussion will include today's farmers' sentiments and what that means for short- and long-term production perspectives in the two countries, as well as the role that the two organizations represented by the speakers play in supporting shrimp farmers.