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Trade Regulation and Due Diligence Summit

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According to the World Trade Organization, seafood is the most highly traded food commodity internationally, with shrimp commanding the highest trade value. The rules that govern the production and trade of these goods around the world are complex and ever-changing. Politically driven trade restrictions, regional conflicts, and increasing demands for information and assurances constantly shift the trade landscape for companies looking to export shrimp. This summit presents a unique opportunity for operators to learn about some of the most recent and upcoming changes to the rules dictating trade into the US and EU and to hear from others in the industry who are adapting their business to meet these demands. In the first half of this session, we will provide an overview of recent regulatory changes to the EU Food Law and then take a deeper look at two US rules that are impacting the industry: Antidumping and Countervailing Duties, and the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA 204). Experts will present the latest information, and we will hear directly from exporters about their planned activities in response to the new duties and data requirements. In the second half, we will focus on the global topic of labor compliance and human rights due diligence. Pressures from the media, regulators, NGOs, and consumers are demanding new processes and assurances from the industry at all levels of the supply chain. We will hear from an expert in human rights in seafood about the expectations being set by these parties, along with concrete actions that can be taken to reduce risk. We will then host a dialogue between members of the supply chain to explore how companies are collaborating on programs to safeguard the fair treatment of workers and improve the reputation of this industry, which employs millions of people worldwide.

Chairpersons /
Roxanne Nanninga
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Roxanne Nanninga
GSF Programme Support
Roxanne has contributed to the creation of this year's program for the Global Shrimp Forum and works as an independent advisor at Blue Biome Advising. She has dedicated her career to addressing complex environmental and social challenges facing our global food systems, both on land and at sea. With...
Guus Pastoor
Guus Pastoor
Guus Pastoor is chairman of the board of AIPCE, the European Federation of Fish Processors and Importers. AIPCE is a membership organisation that connects the fish processing companies, fish importers and wholesalers around Europe. The EU processing sector generates an estimated output value of 29...
Program /
US Regulations: Antidumping & Countervailing Duties

Presented by Robert DeHaan, Legal Council, National Fisheries Institute

A conversation with:

Aris Utama, Director, Bumi Menara Internusa

Choudary Karuturi, Managing Director, Apex Frozen Foods

Moderated by Guus Pastoor, Chairman, European Federation of Fish Processors and Importers

US Regulations: FSMA in Practice

Presented by Robert DeHaan, Legal Council, National Fisheries Institute

A conversation with: 

Heath England, President, Trace Register

Kristin Veriga, SVP Global Shrimp, eFishery

Moderated by Guus Pastoor, Chairman, European Federation of Fish Processors and Importers

Coffee Break
An Overview of Human Rights Due Diligence

Presented by Froukje Kruijssen, Human Rights Program Manager, Aquaculture Stewardship Council

Fireside Chat (Part 1): Systematic Approaches to Responsible Labour in Shrimp

A conversation with:

Dominique Gautier (PhD), Sustainability Director, Seafresh Group

Maisie Ganzler, Strategic Advisor and Author

Moderated by Roxanne Nanninga, GSF Programme Support, Global Shrimp Forum

Fireside Chat (Part 2): Lessons Learned from Other Industries

A conversation with:

Miriam Geelhoed, Senior Consultant, MODINT

Jef Wintermans, Senior Policy Officer, Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER)

Moderated by Roxanne Nanninga, GSF Programme Support, Global Shrimp Forum

Closing Remarks
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